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Snap Tools Window


The Snap Tools window allows you to enable or disable snap modes for the drawing tools.

Ortho mode

Enable or disable the Ortho mode which limits the cursor movements only in vertical and horizontal directions. Hold the Shift key to enable it without opening the Snap tools window.

Snap modes

Enable or disable the different snap modes. Enable all of them at one time by clicking Select All or disable all of them at one time by clicking Clear All.
Endpoint - Restrict the cursor movement to endpoints of segments. Hold the E key to enable it without opening the Snap Tools window.
Midpoint - Restrict the cursor movement to midpoints of segments. Hold M key to enable it without opening the Snap Tools window.
Intersection - Restrict the cursor movement to intersections of segments. Hold X key to enable it without opening the Snap Tools window.
Force connection - Restrict the cursor movement onto segments. Hold F key to enable it without opening the Snap Tools window.

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