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Drawing Tools


There are multiple in-built grid drawing tools that function similarly to CAD drawing tools.

Select a drawing tool to use from the drop-down menu. Once selected, follow the guided messages shown at the bottom of the window to use the tool.

Summary of the tools

Add Segment – Creates a new segments and adds it to the drawing. Click the desired location for the new segment in the Grid XY preview.

Remove Segment – First select the segments you want to remove. Then select Remove segment from the drop-down or press the 'Del' key on the keyboard.

Add Rod - Adds a vertical rod to existing arrangement by specifying their length and the desired location.

Add Rectangle - Adds a rectangle to the existing arrangement of a user-specified size.

Add Polygon - Adds a polygon which is a closed object consisting of equal length sides by specifying its center and distance to it's corners or sides.

Add Grid - Adds a new standard grid into the existing arrangement.

Show Direction - Shows the direction of segments in terms of their start and end X,Y, Z coordinates.

Copy - Duplicate segments and place a copy at a specified location.

Move - Reposition segments without changing their orientation.

Rotate2D - Rotate segments through an angle about a base point.

Offset - Create parallel copies at a specified distance from an original segment (which is selected first).

Extend - Expand segments to the intended boundary edges.

Trim - Cut segments at the edges defined by one or more other segments.

Chamfer - Extends two segments to their intersection point.

Divide at intersection - Breaks segments into individual parts.

Reverse - Reverses the directions of segments.

Split - Divides a segment into two points.

Scale - Enlarges or reduces segment(s) while relative proportions remain the same.

Array - Creates copies of the selected segment along X,Y, Z axes.

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