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Voltage Profile Window


The Voltage Profile window displays the area(s) where the actual surface, touch, and step voltages will be calculated in Display Results. You can add as many of these profiles as required and overlap them if necessary. You can move by clicking and dragging as well as resizing the profiles. The profiles should be placed where you need to calculate the voltages.

It is important to calculate touch voltages at locations where a person can be in contact with the grid potential (usually within the grid area and extending to 1 m away from the edge of the grid).

When reference points are used for touch voltage calculation, reference point locations are displayed in the same window. You can add as many of reference points as you need, which can have unique custom names. You can move them by clicking and dragging. It is useful especially when multiple separated earthing grids are calculated at the same time. Setting touch voltage reference points for each grid will obtain more reasonable touch voltages.

Voltage profiles

You can add, remove, select and modify the points of a rectangle or line profile using these controls. They will also be updated as you move or modify the profiles using the mouse directly. The rectangle profile has 4 vertices and these are denoted as points A (bottom left), B (bottom right), C (top left) and D (top right). The line profile has 2 vertices which can be selected and moved.

The selected rectangle or line profile can be fit to the grid. Rectangle and line profiles can be overlapped and the profile points will be automatically created to be uniformly distributed.
The Maximum spacing between points controls how close the points will be calculated over the internal area of the profiles. The smaller (closer) the spacing the more precise will be the plotting of the voltages in Display Results.

The value of the Maximum spacing between points does not need to be so small that it unnecessarily impedes (slows) execution time of the main algorithms.

Touch voltages - Sinusoidal mode

There are four touch voltage references modes:
Grid potential rise - Grid potential rise (GPR) is used as the reference voltage to calculate touch voltages.
Reach distance - Calculate touch voltages within the reach distance of earthing segments.
Points or Faulted segment - Voltages of the nearest reference points or the faulted segment are used as the reference to calculate touch voltages.
Constant voltage - Set any constant voltage to be reference voltage to calculate touch voltages.

Grid points - Transient mode (Professional edition)

In Transient mode only Grid points should be used for measuring voltages in order to avoid excessive calculation times.

A grid point is a measurement point attached to the nearest point on the grid. Both voltage and current can be measured. When grid points are added, grid point locations are displayed in the same window. The current and voltage of the grid at the grid point will be calculated. You can add as many of grid points as you need, which can have unique custom names. You can move them by clicking and dragging.

Grid points:

  • You can add, remove, select and move the grid points to specify the places on the grid that you are interested in to calculate their currents and voltages.

  • The voltage and current responses at the grid points will be plotted in the Display Results module.

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