Build New Grid Window
The Build New Grid window allows users to create a new simple grid by defining the four corner coordinates in 3-dimensions of a rectangle.
Positive Z-coordinates signify the depth of burial below the ground surface. The Professional edition allows negative Z-coordinates (above-ground conductors).
Co-ordinates of grid vertices (corners)
In these fields, the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the four corners of a grid are defined to be built. A grid is defined as a 3D (flat) plane.
Point A – Bottom left-hand corner.
Only the depth of Point A can be specified as it is placed at a fixed 0, 0 reference position.
Point B – Bottom right-hand corner.
Point C – Top left-hand corner.
Point D – top right-hand corner. The position of point D is automatically determined by the position of the other three (A, B, and C) points.
Grid properties
No. of parallel conductors (Nx) – The number of (vertical) conductors which will appear along the x-axis when a grid is built. The minimum number is 2.
No. of parallel conductors (Ny) – The number of (horizontal) conductors which will appear along the x-axis when a grid is built. The minimum number is 2.
Compression ratio (x-axis) – Bunches the conductors (along the x-axis) towards the edge of the grid more closely together. The ratio of distance between successive pairs of conductors decreases by this factor.
Compression ratio (y-axis) – Bunches the conductors (along the y-axis) towards the edge of the grid more closely together. The ratio of distance between successive pairs of conductors decreases by this factor.